Yohan May Interiors

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5 Things That Make Your Home Look Dated

There is a huge difference between an old home and a dated home; one is unique and possesses character, the other is weary and disenchanting. Having recently managed her own home renovations, Co-Founder Michele shares her top 5 things that make a home appear dated and how to give your space a quick makeover based on her recent experience!

“There’s nothing I enjoy more than constantly updating my home with styling or small cosmetic renovations - it gives me the freedom of experimenting and choosing for my own taste which is always a fine balance in a rental property! On the other hand, as a designer, my constant lack of time with running a business and being a mum coupled with my extreme and OCD eye for detail can make the process longer and more stressful than what it could be. 

Here’s how I updated my home quickly without altering the characteristics that make it special or over-investing as it is a rental:”

Come with me on my home renovation journey to see more of my quick and budget-friendly ways to update your home! Looking forward to showing you how I achieved my interior look.

Michele x

Written with our talented superstar summer intern from the US, Madison Bland.